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* indicates undergraduate student

44. Bury, R.B., D.F. Hughes, G.W. Bury, T.A. Miller, and W.E. Meshaka Jr. 2024. Population trends and demography of the Wood Turtle (Glyptemys insculpta) and Woodland Box Turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina) over six decades at the Powdermill Nature Reserve, Pennsylvania. Annals of Carnegie Museum 90(2): 97–118.

43. Blackburn, D.G., and D.F. Hughes. 2024. Phylogenetic analysis of viviparity, matrotrophy, and other reproductive patterns in chondrichthyan fishes. Biological Reviews 99(2024): 1314–1356.

42. Lobón-Rovira, J., A.M. Bauer, P.V. Pinto, J.-F. Trape, W. Conradie, C. Kusamba, T. Julio, G. Cael, E.L. Stanley, D.F. Hughes, M. Behangana, F.M. Masudi, O.S.G. Pauwels, and E. Greenbaum. 2024. Integrative taxonomy of the Lygodactylus gutturalis (Bocage, 1873) complex reveals undescribed cryptic diversity and traces their evolutionary history. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 201(2): 447–492.

41. Hughes, D.F., M. Behangana, W. Lukwago, M. Menegon, J.M. Dehling, P. Wagner, C.R. Tilbury, T. South*, C. Kusamba, and E. Greenbaum. 2024. Taxonomy of the Rhampholeon boulengeri complex (Sauria: Chamaeleonidae): Five new species from Central Africa’s Albertine Rift. Zootaxa 5458(4): 451–494.

40. Ahern*, A.L., and D.F. Hughes. 2024. Citizen science initiatives document biodiversity at an urban lake. PeerJ 12: e17209.

39. Moran*, M.P., E.L. La Rosa*, and D.F. Hughes. 2024. Lack of size-assortative mating in a widespread treefrog: Pseudacris crucifer in Iowa. Journal of North American Herpetology 2024(1): 1–5.


38. Bernstein, N.P., S.A. McCollum, T.J. VanDeWalle, R.W. Black, R.R. Rhodes II, and D.F. Hughes. 2023. Longevity estimates of Ornate Box Turtles (Terrapene ornata) in Iowa. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 22(2): 220–224.

37. Behangana, M., S. Ayebare, R. Magala, W. Lukwago, R.S. Ssekisambu, C. Alezuyo, A. Sisiria, and D.F. Hughes. 2023. Establishing baseline data for herpetofauna in western Uganda, an East African biodiversity hotspot. Herpetology Notes 16: 773–789.

36. Hughes, D.F., S. Dukuly*, D.F. Becker, J. Scharosch, J.G. Otten, S. Wagner*, and B.M. Reed. 2023. Copulation phenology of Ornate Box Turtles (Terrapene ornata). Journal of Herpetology 57(2): 246–253.

35. Reed^, B.M., K. Hobelman, A. Gauntt*, M. Schwenka*, A. Trautman*, P. Wagner*, S. Kim*, C. Armstrong*, S. Wagner*, A. Weller*, K. Brighton*, S. Bloom*, C. Nelson*, F. Suboh*, C. Kolthoff*, S. Dukuly*, R.J. Mercader, and D.F. Hughes^. 2023. Spatiotemporal variation of behavior and repeatability in a long-lived turtle. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 77: 88. ^co-senior authors.

34. Isingoma, J., E. Sande, R. Kityo, D.F. Hughes. 2023. Amphibian communities along a forest degradation gradient in an East African forest reserve. Ecological Informatics 75: 102021.

33. Meshaka, W.E., Jr., E. Wingert, J.D. Riedle, S. Boback, and D.F. Hughes. 2023. Demography of a painted turtle intergrade (Chrysemys picta picta X C. p. marginata) population from an altered wetland. The Herpetological Journal 33: 14–24.


32. Greenbaum, E., D.M. Portik, K.E. Allen, E.R. Vaughan, G. Badjedjea, M.F. Barej, M. Behangana, N. Conkey, B. Dumbo, L.N. Gonwouo, M. Hirschfeld, D.F. Hughes, F. Igunzi, C. Kusamba, W. Lukwago, F.M. Masudi, J. Reyes*, M.-O. Rödel, C.E. Roelke, S. Romero, and J.M. Dehling. 2022. Systematics of the Central African Spiny Reed Frog Afrixalus laevis (Anura: Hyperoliidae), with the description of two new species from the Albertine Rift. Zootaxa 5174(3): 201–232.

31. Duffus^, A.L.J., D.F. Hughes^, A. Kautz, S.J.R. Allain, and W.E. Meshaka Jr. 2022. Repeated sampling of wild individuals reveals Ophidiomyces ophidiicola infection dynamics in a Pennsylvania snake assemblage. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 58(2): 290–297. ^co-first authors.


30. Hughes, D.F., and D.B. Wylie. 2021. Reproductive ecology of Rhinophrynus dorsalis (Anura: Rhinophrynidae) in México. Journal of Herpetology 55(3): 298–309.

29. Hughes, D.F., M.L. Green, J.K. Warner, and P.C. Davidson. 2021. Evaluating exclusion barriers for treefrogs in agricultural landscapes. Wildlife Society Bulletin 45(2): 305–311.

28. Martin, A.K., D.F. Hughes, and J.A. Sheridan. 2021. Changes in an amphibian community at Powdermill Nature Reserve, southwest Pennsylvania, over a 37-year period. Annals of Carnegie Museum 87(2): 157–166.


27. Hughes, D.F., and W.E. Meshaka Jr. 2020. Demography of aquatic turtles (Chrysemys picta marginata and Chelydra serpentina serpentina) in southwestern Pennsylvania. Annals of Carnegie Museum 86(4): 361–376.

26. Behangana, M., R. Magala, R. Katumba, D. Ochanda, S. Kigoolo, S. Mutebi, D. Dendi, L. Luiselli, and D.F. Hughes. 2020. Ontogenetic habitat use and seasonal activity of Nile Crocodiles (Crocodylus niloticus) in the Lake Albert delta, East Africa. Journal of Great Lakes Research 46(6): 1776–1782.

25. Meshaka Jr., W.E., P.R. Delis, and D.F. Hughes. 2020. Selected life history traits of the Green Treefrog, Hyla cinerea (Schneider, 1799), near the northeastern edge of its geographic range. Bulletin of the Maryland Herpetological Society 56(1-4): 1–12.

24. Behangana, M., R. Magala, R. Katumba, D. Ochanda, S. Kigoolo, S. Mutebi, D. Dendi, L. Luiselli, and D.F. Hughes. 2020. Herpetofaunal diversity and community structure in the Murchison Falls-Albert Delta Ramsar site, Uganda. European Journal of Ecology 6(2): 1–17.

23. Hughes, D.F., and D.G. Blackburn. 2020. Evolutionary origins of viviparity in Chamaeleonidae. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 58(1): 284–302.

22. Lukwago, W., M. Behangana, E. Mwavu, and D.F. Hughes. 2020. Effects of selective timber harvest on amphibian species diversity in Budongo Forest Reserve, Uganda. Forest Ecology and Management 458: 117809.


21. Hughes, D.F., W.E. Meshaka Jr., C.S. Lieb, and J.H.K. Pechmann. 2019. Latitudinal variation in life history reveals a reproductive advantage in the Texas Horned Lizard (Phrynosoma cornutum). Copeia 107(4): 736–747.

20. Behangana, M., C. Aluziyo, D. Dendi, L. Luiselli, D.F. Hughes, and E. Greenbaum. 2019. Herpetofaunal diversity and community structure at Lake Nabugabo and surrounding Ramsar area wetlands in southern Uganda. Vie et Milieu – Life and Environment 69(2-3): 79–87.

19. Hughes, D.F., P.R. Delis, and W.E. Meshaka Jr. 2019. Comparison of body temperatures across physiological states in syntopic snake species (Thamnophis sirtalis and Nerodia sipedon) from Pennsylvania. Northeastern Naturalist 26(4): 749–760.

18. Portillo, F., E.L. Stanley, W.R. Branch, W. Conradie, M.-O. Rödel, J. Penner, M.F. Barej, C. Kusamba, W.M. Muninga, M.M. Aristote, A.M. Bauer, J.-F. Trape, Z.T. Nagy, P. Carlino, O.S.G. Pauwels, M. Menegon, I. Ineich, M. Burger, T. Mazuch, K. Jackson, D.F. Hughes, M. Behangana, and E. Greenbaum. 2019. Evolutionary history of burrowing asps (Atractaspidinae) (Squamata: Lamprophiidae) with emphasis on fang evolution and prey selection. PLoS ONE 14(4): e0214889.

17. Hughes, D.F., P.C. Davidson, J.K. Warner, and M.L. Green. 2019. There's a frog in my salad! A review of online media coverage for wild vertebrates found in prepackaged produce in the United States. Science of the Total Environment 675: 1–12.

16. Portillo, F., W.R. Branch, C.R. Tilbury, Z.T. Nagy, D.F. Hughes, C. Kusamba, W.M. Muninga, M.M. Aristote, M. Behangana, and E. Greenbaum. 2019. A cryptic new species of Polemon (Squamata: Lamprophiidae, Aparallactinae) from the miombo woodlands of Central and East Africa. Copeia 107(1): 22–35.


15. Greenbaum, E., S.D. Beer, D.F. Hughes, P. Wagner, C.G. Anderson, C.O. Villanueva, P.K. Malonza, C. Kusamba, W.M. Muninga, M.M. Aristote, and W.R. Branch. 2018. Phylogeography of Jackson’s Forest Lizard Adolfus jacksoni (Sauria: Lacertidae) reveals cryptic diversity in the highlands of East Africa. Herpetological Monographs 32(1): 51–68.

14. Hughes, D.F., and W.E. Meshaka Jr. 2018. Life history of the Rio Grande Leopard Frog (Lithobates berlandieri) in Texas. Journal of Natural History 52(33-34): 2221–2242.

13. Hughes, D.F., D.G. Blackburn, L. Wilber, and M. Behangana. 2018. New distribution records, observations on natural history, and notes on reproduction of the poorly known Sudanese Unicorn Chameleon (Chamaeleonidae: Trioceros conirostratus) from Uganda, Africa. Amphibian & Reptile Conservation 12(2) [General Section]: 83–89 (e160).

12. Portillo, F., W.R. Branch, W. Conradie, M.-O. Rödel, J. Penner, M.F. Barej, C. Kusamba, W.M. Muninga, M.M. Aristote, A.M. Bauer, J.-F. Trape, Z.T. Nagy, P. Carlino, O.S.G. Pauwels, M. Menegon, M. Burger, T. Mazuch, K. Jackson, D.F. Hughes, M. Behangana, A.-G. Zassi-Boulou, and E. Greenbaum. 2018. Phylogeny and biogeography of the African burrowing snake subfamily Aparallactinae (Squamata: Lamprophiidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 127: 288–303.

11. Hughes, D.F., K.A. Tolley, W. Lukwago, M. Menegon, J.M. Dehling, J. Stipala, C.R. Tilbury, A.M. Khan, M. Behangana, C. Kusamba, and E. Greenbaum. 2018. Cryptic diversity in Rhampholeon boulengeri (Sauria: Chamaeleonidae), a pygmy chameleon from the Albertine Rift biodiversity hotspot. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 122: 125–141.

10. Hughes, D.F., P.R. Delis, and W.E. Meshaka Jr. 2018. Studies of a snake assemblage from artificial ponds at an active-military site in Pennsylvania. Herpetology Notes 11: 35–48.


9. Hughes, D.F., W.E. Meshaka Jr., and P.R. Delis. 2017. Reproduction and growth of the Southern Leopard Frog, Lithobates sphenocephalus (Cope, 1886), in Virginia: Implications for seasonal shifts in response to global climate change. Basic and Applied Herpetology 31: 17–31.

8. Hughes, D.F., C. Kusamba, M. Behangana, and E. Greenbaum. 2017. Integrative taxonomy of the Central African forest chameleon, Kinyongia adolfifriderici (Sauria: Chamaeleonidae), reveals underestimated species diversity in the Albertine Rift. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 181(2): 400–438.

7. Hughes, D.F., K. Johnston, and W.E. Meshaka Jr. 2017. Nesting characteristics of three turtle species along a wetland matrix in western Pennsylvania, USA. The Herpetological Bulletin 141: 16–22.

6. Meshaka, W.E., Jr., J.W. Gibbons, D.F. Hughes, M.W. Klemens, and J.B. Iverson. 2017. Kinosternon subrubrum (Bonnaterre, 1789) – Eastern Mud Turtle. In: Rhodin, A.G.J., J.B. Iverson, P.P. van Dijk, R.A. Saumure, K.A. Buhlmann, P.C.H. Pritchard, and R.A. Mittermeier (Eds.). Conservation biology of freshwater turtles and tortoises: A compilation project of the IUCN/SSC Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group. Chelonian Research Monographs 5(10): 101.1–16.


5. Dahlin, C.R., D.F. Hughes, W.E. Meshaka Jr., C. Coleman, and J.D. Henning. 2016. Wild snakes harbor West Nile virus. One Health 2: 136–138.

4. Hughes, D.F., E.M. Walker, P.M. Gignac, A. Martinez, K. Negishi, C.S. Lieb, E. Greenbaum, and A.M. Khan. 2016. Rescuing perishable neuroanatomical information from a threatened Biodiversity Hotspot: Remote field methods for brain tissue preservation validated by cytoarchitectonic analysis, immunohistochemistry, and x‐ray microcomputed tomography. PLoS ONE 11(5): e0155824.

3. Hughes, D.F., A.K. Tegeler, and W.E. Meshaka Jr. 2016. Differential use of ponds and movements by two species of aquatic turtles (Chrysemys picta marginata and Chelydra serpentina serpentina) and their role in colonization. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 11(1): 214–231.


2. Hughes, D.F., W.E. Meshaka Jr., and G. Van Buurt. 2015. The superior colonizing gecko Hemidactylus mabouia on Curaçao: Conservation implications for the native gecko Phyllodactylus martini. Journal of Herpetology 49(1): 60–63.


1. Meshaka, W.E., Jr., and D.F. Hughes. 2014. Adult body size and reproductive characteristics of the Green Frog, Lithobates clamitans melanota (Rafinesque, 1820), from a single site in the northern Allegheny Mountains. Collinsorum: The Journal of Kansas Herpetology 3(1): 13–16.


2024. Hughes, D.F. Spotlight: A personality SNP? Behavioral genetics in African cichlids. Trends in Genetics 40(8): 633–635.

2023. Hughes, D.F. Book review: The Natural History of the Snakes and Lizards of Iowa. Herpetological Review 54(1): 93–94.

2022. Hughes, D.F., and C. Hanes*. Notophthalmus viridescens (Eastern Newt): Mandibular hypoplasia. Herpetological Review 53(3): 458–459.

2022. Reed, B.M., K. Hobelman, and D.F. Hughes. Terrapene ornata (Ornate Box Turtle): Same-sex Mounting. Herpetological Review 53(1): 126.

2021. Greenbaum, E., D.F. Hughes, and M. Behangana. Geographic distribution. Leptopelis calcaratus (Spurred Forest Treefrog). Herpetological Review 52(2): 342.

2020. Hughes, D.F. Book review: Snakes of Central and Western Africa. IRCF Reptiles & Amphibians: Conservation and Natural History 27(2): 355–357.

2019. Hughes, D.F. Loggerhead Shrike (Lanius ludovicianus) predates California Red-sided Gartersnake (Thamnophis sirtalis infernalis). Herpetology Notes 12: 939–940.

2019. Hughes, D.F., P. Garcia-Bañuelos, R. Guevara, and W.E. Meshaka Jr. Lithobates clamitans (Green Frog): Partial leucism. Herpetological Review 50(1): 115.

2018. Hughes, D.F., M. Behangana, L. Wilber, and E. Greenbaum. Amietia nutti (Nutt’s River Frog): Leech parasitism. African Herp News 69: 15–19.

2018. Hughes, D.F., and F. Portillo. Heterodon nasicus (Western Hognose Snake): Early activity. Herpetological Review 49(3): 547.

2017. Hughes, D.F., and M. Behangana. Chamaeleo gracilis (Graceful Chameleon): Maximum size. African Herp News 65: 16–17.

2017. Hughes, D.F., and M. Behangana. Trachylepis striata (African Striped Skink): Predation. African Herp News 65: 26–28.

2017. Hughes, D.F., C. Scharsu, M. Behangana, and L. Wilber. Geographic distribution. Naja nigricollis (Black-necked Spitting Cobra). Herpetological Review 48(2): 392.

2017. Hughes, D.F., M. Behangana, and L. Wilber. Geographic distribution. Naja haje (Egyptian Cobra). Herpetological Review 48(2): 392.

2017. Hughes, D.F., and M. Behangana. Hemidactylus mabouia (Wood Slave): Partial leucism. African Herp News 64: 33–35.

2016. Hughes, D.F., J.M. Adams, W.E. Meshaka Jr., and C.H. Ernst. Trachemys giagae (Big Bend Slider): Behavior. Mesoamerican Herpetology 3(4): 1030–1032.

2016. Hughes, D.F., E. Greenbaum, and M. Behangana. Lycophidion ornatum (Ornate Wolf Snake): Diet and feeding behavior. Herpetological Review 47(1): 147–148.

2015. Hughes, D.F., and J.M. Adams. Opheodrys vernalis (Smooth Green Snake): Nest site selection. Herpetological Review 46(3): 453.

2015. Greenbaum, E., D.F. Hughes, C. Kusamba, and F.M. Masudi. Geographic distribution. Leptopelis mackayi (Mackay’s Forest Treefrog). Herpetological Review 46(3): 378.

2015. Hughes, D.F., J.M. Adams, T. Crosse, J.W. Hearron, S. Gilbert, H.J. McCaffrey, and J.E. Wright. Sphaerodactylus graptolaemus (Costa Rica Least Gecko): Habitat. Mesoamerican Herpetology 2(3): 333–334.

2014. Russell, J.L., D.F. Hughes, and W.E. Meshaka Jr. The Red-eared Slider, Trachemys scripta elegans (Wied, 1838), found in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. Collinsorum: The Journal of Kansas Herpetology 3(2–4): 19.

2014. Hughes, D.F. Lithobates clamitans melanota (Northern Green Frog): Myiasis. Herpetological Review 45(2): 305.

2014. Hughes, D.F., and P.R. Delis. Cnemidophorus murinus murinus (Laurent’s Whiptail): Myiasis. Herpetological Review 45(1): 126–127.

2011. Hughes, D.F., and J.W. Hearron. Analyzing the diversity and abundance of airborne microorganisms in different environments. Humboldt Journal of Microbiology 13(1): 1–9.


2022. Hughes, D.F. “Enhancing student research experiences in wildlife biology at Coe College from biodiversity assessments of Cedar Lake.” Final report for Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Wildlife Diversity Program (IDNR grant # 21CRDWBKKINK-0001). 10 pages.

2020. Hughes, D.F., M.L. Green, J.K. Warner, P.C. Davidson. “Engineering and ecological approaches reduce Pacific tree frog intrusion into leafy green agriculture.” Final report for Center for Produce Safety, California Leafy Greens Research Program, and United States Department of Agriculture (CDFA SCBGP grant # 17-0275-054-SC). 32 pages.

2018. Hughes, D.F., J. Isingoma, L. Wilber, and M. Behangana. “Expedition report from Uganda: Herpetological Surveys at four National Parks (Bwindi Impenetrable, Kibale, Semuliki, and Rwenzori Mountains).” Distributed to the Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA), the Uganda National Council for Science and Technology (UNCST), and the National Forestry Authority (NFA) of Uganda. 10 pages.

2016. Hughes, D.F., E. Greenbaum, L. Wilber, and M. Behangana. “Expedition report from Uganda: Herpetological Surveys at four Central Forest Reserves (Mount Napak, Mount Orom, Mount Morungole, and Sango Bay) and four National Parks (Kidepo Valley, Kibale, Semuliki, and Rwenzori Mountains).” Distributed to the Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA), the Uganda National Council for Science and Technology (UNCST), and the National Forestry Authority (NFA) of Uganda. 12 pages.

2015. Hughes, D.F., E. Greenbaum, L. Wilber, and M. Behangana. “Expedition report from Uganda: Herpetological Surveys at eight Central Forest Reserves (Agoro- Agu, Budongo, Echuya, Mabira, Mount Kadam, Mount Kei, Mount Moroto, and Mount Otze) and four National Parks (Bwindi Impenetrable, Mgahinga Gorilla, Mount Elgon, and Rwenzori Mountains).” Distributed to the Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA), the Uganda National Council for Science and Technology (UNCST), and the National Forestry Authority (NFA) of Uganda. 19 pages.

2014. Hughes, D.F., E. Greenbaum, and M. Behangana. “Expedition Report from Uganda: Herpetological Surveys at Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Rwenzori Mountains National Park, and the Northern Shore of Lake Victoria.” Distributed to the Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA), the Uganda National Council for Science and Technology (UNCST), and the National Forestry Authority (NFA) of Uganda. 13 pages.

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